Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

I thought I’d share my dad’s greatest fatherhood moment.

When I was about 5 or 6, we were staying in Hong Kong and my mom had just left for the U.S. Being the crybaby I was, I was inconsolable when she left. My dad did what any self-righteous inconsolable woman would do: eat at McDonald’s. So he bought me my two favorite foods at the time: ice cream and French fries. That night, I had stomach pains and could not stop crying (again). Concerned, he took me to the hospital and the doctor told him it was simply stomach gas. And it was probably a good idea to stop feeding me ice cream and French fries.

But I think that his greatest fatherhood moment with my brother is so much funnier, because he actually loses a kid.

Anyway, I just wanted to say Happy Father’s Day, Dad!