Friday, June 27, 2008

Conate to Camp GLOW Online!

Thanks to those of you who were waiting patiently to donate online! Thanks to those of you who have already sent your non-tax-deductible checks!

If you would still like to make tax-deductible donations, please...
1) go to
2) click on "donors", then "donate to volunteer project"
3) type in "malawi" under keyword search
4) you will see this: MALAWI Camp GLOW 2008 - Perlman M. - MD 614-196 - $3,014.27 (the amount we're trying to raise)
5) make your contribution!

That's it! Thanks again for your continual support!

I'm actually pretty excited about this camp! I'm one of the camp counselors, as well as the activities coordinator, and there will be 2 girls from my area who will be attending!

Let me know if you have any questions!! Zikomo!