Monday, November 19, 2007

Rats, rats, go away, don’t ever come back another day!

I hate rats. With passion. They stress me out. Even more than the begging.

That’s it! I’m getting a cat. At first, I didn’t want a cat, because I thought they’d be more cumbersome to take care of than the rats. But I don’t want them to keep breeding and chewing on all my plastics (and eventually my clothes). And I figured, I’d probably miss the cat more than the rats when I leave. Maybe it’ll be good to have a cat. I don’t know the first thing about taking care of a cat (where the heck does it defecate?!). Maybe it’ll be good for me to take care of someone… or something. I don’t even know what to name it. Maybe I’ll just call it “Pussy” (Chichewa for “cat” haha).

As trivial as it sounds, the rats are probably one of the most stressful issues here.