Saturday, September 22, 2007

Only in Malawi

Only in Malawi do strangers sit in my lap (a few volunteers have had the privilege of my cushiony bootie)

Only in Malawi are chickens passengers sitting next to me

Only in Malawi are goats the back-seat drivers

Only in Malawi would the window sill of the minibus (a toyota van) become a passenger seat

Only in Malawi do doors come on and off the minibuses while in motion

Only in Malawi would high school boys try to hit on me ("hello madam, are you married?")... o.k., granted that most of them are my age or older!

Only in Malawi would I help kill a chicken (will post the video if I can)

Only in Malawi would I hitchhike

Only in Malawi would I wear clothes I'd never wear

Only in Malawi would someone say "You look fat" and mean it as a good thing

Only in Malawi would I feel so used and useless haha