Thursday, December 1, 2011

World AIDS Day

No one ever wants to talk about the unspoken word.


In Malawi, it was once known as the "American disease". Or the "witch's curse". Everyone was afraid to speak up, because they were afraid that they would be accused of being bewitched, of infidelity, or of doing something godforsaken.

But out of this fear, I saw something beautiful happen when watching a group of villagers who were HIV+ care for one another. I remember I visited a few patients' homes with a few others who were HIV+. One was incapacitated and could not move or breathe. I remember being gripped by fear of what to say and what to do. But her friends sought her out, helped clean up her home, brought her water, contributed what little money they had, and prayed for her. They comforted her in the darkest times.

Let's stand in solidarity and fight the good fight. Get tested. Seek ARV treatments. Say no to unprotected sex. Reject discrimination.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy.

-Proverbs 31:8-9

Remember the Malawians who are among the poorest in the world.

Remember the orphans.

Remember the girls who are often taken advantage of by the Sugar Daddies.

Remember the people whose stories touched my life: Chikhadzula, Nankuku, Annie.