Friday, May 1, 2009


July 1, 2009 is the day I officially end my Peace Corps service. Can you believe it? I’m almost done! It seems so surreal that I’m actually going home…

I just spent the last few days at the gorgeous lake for our Closing of Service Conference with my health group. It’s so hard to believe that almost two years ago, we were this one group of a mess leaving Philadelphia one last time, and after losing six people, we met again one last time. I’m just amazed at how far we’ve gone…

Sorry, I know I sound overly sentimental. I’m still processing through my emotions about leaving...

O.K., so even though I officially become unemployed on July 1st, I won’t be flying straight home. For about a month, I’ll be traveling to Tanzania, Kenya, and Ethiopia. And then, it’s back to USA!!! (Where I will be officially broke but not homeless. :))

And do I have exciting news for you! One of my friends is now in Chicago with an orphan with an over-sized heart who’s about to receive an operation! I met up with them the day before they flew out and shared in their excitement. Turns out a kind journalist/writer/benefactor, Chicago Sun Times, and United Airlines graciously offered their support to pay their way for the child’s operation in Chicago! Go to to read more about the child, Vasco, and how they got there.

Last but not least, some eye candy: pictures are worth a thousand words. :) (If you're wondering about the black mamba, it was a poisonous snake found near the shelter I was building... hacked to death with my hoe.)

Lake Malawi

Traditional Dancer shaking my hand

Black mamba snake found next to my shelter... hacked to death with my hoe

Co-worker's baby... isn't she so cute??

Mayankho - "Answers"