Sunday, September 21, 2008

A little eye candy

This was my agogo at homestay training cooking nsima

My homestay family eating in July 2008

These were the kids from my homestay village

These were 3 sisters - so cute!

My neighbor's baby is sooo cute! He's starting to talk now but can only say "Bye!",
so he always yells "Bye!" whenever he sees me! :)

This is the future Shaq O'Neill - Hope! He's huuuuge and he loves to laugh!

Baby Elaine! My friend named his baby after me!!

This little sweetheart is Kingsley, my co-worker's kid.
He's learning the alphabets now, so whenever he gets to "L",
he says "L-N-E" ("Ellen-e", get it? haha) and does a little dance! haha

A baby at church. She's sooo - yes it's that word again - cute!!! :D

I love the babies here, so I hope you don't mind me posting pictures of the babies and kids! haha

But here's a non-pediatric picture...

This is a toilet. I don't have one like this, but the cool thing is
the family (former Peace Corps Volunteers who stayed in Malawi)
uses the refuse and throws it into their compost to fertilize their gardens.
If that ain't recycling, then I don't know what else is!